New Students

Application Procedure

All new students are required to submit an application including a $50 application fee.  

The following procedures are followed by all applications received:

Previous School Records submitted with application

  1. Three references (all three must be received before application will be considered)
  2. Teacher and Board interviews parents and student
  3. Entrance evaluation by teacher
  4. Recommendation to School Board
  5. School Board determines acceptance


Application (Printable pdf)
Application in Spanish (Printable pdf)
Consent to Treat (Printable pdf)
Health Inventory (Printable pdf)

Upon acceptance more forms will be required to be completed.  A copy of student insurance card, birth certificate, and immunizations is also required.

As a Seventh-day Adventist Church, we desire to assist parents/guardians who seek to raise their children to know and love God.  Along with Sabbath School, Church and youth clubs, we believe that a Christian education is important for the healthy development of children.  In cooperation with the Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Anderson Church has developed a strong educational program that is carefully supervised, accredited and supplied with trained, professional teachers.

Without any subsidy from the Church, the cost of tuition would be approximately $600 - $700 per month for each student.  In other words, the Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Indiana Conference heavily subsidize the operation of CSCS for all students.  Over 65% of the Church Budget is designated to CSCS each month.

Children of Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church Members can apply for the Anderson SDA Member Scholarship through the school board. 


2024-2025 Tuition Rates and Payment


Each Student

10 monthly payments

Total Annual Tuition for School Year







1st – 8th Grade 




Enrollment, Application, and Activity Fees:

All students will be charged an application AND enrollment fee. Students in grades 5-8 will also have an activity fee to help cover the cost of activities for those grade levels. These fees are non-refundable.

● Application fee of $50 ●

Early re-enrollment fee of $75, if all re-enrollment papers are completed and turned in by May 17, 2024. Enrollment fees are due by August 4, 2024.

● Late re-enrollment fee of $125, if re-enrollment papers are turned in AFTER May 17, 2024. Enrollment fees are due by August 4, 2024.

● New student enrollment fee is $125. 

● Activity Fee for Outdoor Education and Music Festival expenses (Grades 5-8 ONLY) is $50.

● All enrollment, application, and activity fees are due by August 4, 2024, or within 15 days of enrolling after August 4, 2024.